Assets Integrity Management
January 23, 2023Cathodic Protection Materials
February 6, 2023
ICE works hand-in hand with International partners to complement its services, ICE is hence the sole representative for the following companies:
Metegrity– Assets Integrity Management Software Providers- Canada
Polcor– Greece, Manufacturer of Marine Anodes
CEPAI, the largest valves, field instruments and control valves supplier in China with superior quality and supplies mainly for the US, Canada and the MENA region major International Oil Companies
Ozler, which is a world leader in the manufacture of scaffolding and formwork systems
H2O Biofouling Services, based in the Netherlands. H2O is specialized in the solutions of fouling control of all seawater intake industrial systems
Corrtec, a world leader in corrosion control through volatile inhibitor, ICE is the service provider for the Corrologic systems
Stone Oil and Gas Engineering Company– Canada, where through a collaboration agreement, ICE shall provide Engineering support services to jointly execute the engineering projects